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Havoc Studios March 2021 Newsletter

Austin Myers

Havoc Studios

March 2021 Newsletter

April Fools!

Gotcha! We hope you enjoyed our goofy joke newsletter in the spirit of April Fool’s Day. Rest assured we will not be making any transitions into 3D anytime soon. However, we do still have actual news to share!

Restricting Information

Moving forward, we are going to be a lot more secretive about Havoc Fox’s development.

(Artwork by BurgundyBunny)

The past two years have focused heavily on updating the game at its core and polishing the five existing stages. Those of you who have been around for the bulk of Havoc Fox’s development will know that Moonlit Cove, Aqua Rocket Base, Retro Ravine, Miracle City, and Autumn Entropy have been around for a long time. However, as of this month, we are finally at a point where we feel comfortable enough with the game’s style and direction to expand beyond these introductory stages.

As we continue development of the next stage (Ethereal Express) and beyond, we are going to show less of the game’s progress. The conversation will remain as there are still plenty of details to share (non-specific status updates, changes made to the base game or currently-public stages, etc.), but the remainder of Havoc Fox will be kept secret for now. We want players to experience the game for themselves when the time to release it arrives, and to best handle that, we’re going to hold back.

That being said, we still have at least one or two more public demo releases planned for the future! Keep an eye out for details; we’re hoping to release the next one with the launch of our upcoming Kickstarter campaign!

BN Video Game Con

As a reminder, we will be hosting a booth at the BN Video Game Con at the Interstate Center in Bloomington, Illinois on April 17th from 9 AM to 5 PM! A new demo of Havoc Fox will be available to play at the convention, showing off new movesets for Grey and Venice as well as recent updates to Moonlit Cove and Miracle City. Given the current state of the world, however, we are going to take precautions to ensure that the event is safe and welcoming to all. Only one player will be allowed at the booth at a time, the area will be sanitized before and after each visitor, and hand sanitizer will be present for those who stop by. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home and recover! For the rest of you, we hope to see you on the 17th!

Current Development Update

This month, we made various updates and tweaks throughout all of Havoc Fox.

A variety of enemies and bosses have had their designs updated to match the current style of the game, specifically with the first boss for each story. CYGNAY (pictured first) has been redesigned once again with his art matching that of Moonlit Cove’s ruins. For reference, a timeline depicting CYGNAY’s design through the years has been included. Lyle’s Siphon Ship (pictured second) has been remodeled as well to fit the style of Miracle City’s updated design. The bosses will still function the same (with a few minor tweaks made to Lyle’s final phase).

Retro Ravine is nearly finished! The final touches needed primarily rest in the stage’s cutscenes. The two images above are updated scene pieces from the stage, touched-up to reflect the game’s current style. Once these changes are finalized, we will be able to focus more heavily on the next stage: Ethereal Express!

It’s in its infancy, but development has officially begun on the new stage. This screenshot may be the only bit of it we share for the foreseeable future, but we will continue to talk about its development and progress in the most transparent way possible without spoiling anything. Follow along with our social media, Discord server, and future newsletters to stay up-to-date on the game’s progress!

March Community Spotlight - Taylor

In each edition of the Havoc Studios monthly newsletter, we will highlight the works and/or relations of a member from the community or studio. We are grateful for everyone within the community and would like to recognize those of you who help bring life to the community. Our March community spotlight features Taylor, the voice of Guyle!

How did you first discover Havoc Fox?

I'd heard about if before, but I really took interest in Havoc Fox when my brother got the role of Riken! We like to show each other things we've worked on, and I took a lot of interest in Havoc Fox when he showed me. I played the demos, followed development, and eventually decided to reach out to Dusky in regards to potentially auditioning for the game. She encouraged me to audition for Guyle, so I did just that, and here we are now!

How long have you been a voice actor?

I have been a voice actor for two years now! It's been a blast!

How did you come up with your voice for Guyle? Are there any particular aspects of his character that appeal to your style?

When I auditioned for Guyle I thought Dusky was looking for a higher pitched, chirpy voice, so that was what I went with. Before submitting though, I looked back on it and wanted to give an alternate take which was closer to my own voice, just to give Dusky some more options. She actually ended up liking that take, so that was what we went with. Guyle's all over the place and energetic, but he also genuinely means well and wants to please others, which are 100% feelings I relate to, so I feel very connected to him for that reason.

Has your role of Guyle helped you in other roles? Have other castings helped you with defining Guyle’s voice?

Certainly! In any creative field really, your always learning, and playing Guyle is no exception. When I first got cast as Guyle, I actually got very nervous, because, "Oh shoot, I'm having fun but also I'm in this game with loads of people who are older than me and have been doing this for longer than me, and I'll look like a clown next to them, etc., etc., etc.," and admittedly got a lot of impostor syndrome from it, and I really tricked myself into thinking that I was "just lucky," and that I didn't really deserve the role. However, I was with time able to overcome that and have a little more confidence in my work and myself as an actor, so playing Guyle definitely helped me grow in that regard.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Little cliche here, but thanks for your continued support on Havoc Fox, you guys! This is the first time I've been a part of a game like this, and it's been a blast to be involved in a game with such an amazing team and community. Keep being awesome, you guys!

Show Taylor some love! Check him out on Twitter or say hi to him on the Discord server!

March Fan Art Gallery

Each month, we will be showcasing Havoc Fox fan art in our newsletters. The following works have been submitted to us by various members of the community through our Discord server. Check out the submissions for March!

Venice, Cassie (Starbuster), and Carol (Freedom Planet) by DazzlePunctura on Discord

Grey by Event Horizon on Discord

Grey by KenKun on Discord

Thank you for your submissions! If you would like to have your artwork featured, submit your drawings to the #havoc-fan-art channel on Discord!

That's all for now!

We’re making good progress! If you haven't already, be sure to follow us on Twitter @havocfoxgame. Join the conversation on the official Discord server. Support us on Patreon! Check out the original soundtrack and development live streams on our YouTube channel! Like us on Facebook and Instagram!

Thank you for reading the March edition of the Havoc Fox Newsletter. Stay safe, stay healthy, and we hope to see you again in April!


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@2021 by Havoc Studios, LLC

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