Havoc Studios
December Newsletter

Merry Christmas and a Havoc Holidays!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year; a time of giving, togetherness, and wreaking havoc on wrapping paper. Whatever you may celebrate, whether you’re in the bitter cold and snow or melting in the sun, all of us at Havoc Studios wish you a very happy holiday season!
2019: A Look Through the Year
As this year comes to a close, we would like to take a moment to reflect upon these past twelve months.

This year started off strong with a new public test release featuring two levels from Grey’s path and one from Venice. This public release fixed up a variety of bugs from the previous build to allow for additional testing of the first three levels. Outside of Havoc Fox, the first quarter of this year revamped the Havoc Studios Patreon and saw the opening of our Redbubble shop!

The second quarter of this year wasn’t as eventful, but it saw the release of another major public test! This provided a look at Autumn Entropy, taking Venice outside the big city into a vast forest full of falling leaves and deadly robots. In addition to the new stage, this update fixed additional bugs in the first three stages and laid down the foundation for future stages.

The third quarter of 2019 began with a revamp of the Havoc Studios Discord server, consolidating the discussion and development channels with a few new additions on the side. A new public test was released during this time as well, though no new stages were added this time around. This update fixed more bugs and addressed tester concerns in a few areas, added the volume slider in the game’s settings, and enabled a fully customizable control scheme for the game. The quarter ended with heavy work done on the game to prepare for our first appearance at SAGE!

Going out with a bang, the final quarter of the year started with SAGE and the latest public release of Havoc Fox. Retro Ravine was added to Grey’s campaign, featuring Foss as a supporting character and a two-staged boss fight! The demo’s booth at SAGE provided a lot of feedback that we wouldn’t have seen from our own community at the time which led to features such as Grey’s new dash mechanic. The rest of the year gave us Fortuna’s spinoff game, addition characters, and the beginning of this lovely newsletter you’re reading!
2019 has been a big year for Havoc Studios, and we fully intend to make 2020 even bigger. Thank you all for your continued support; we hope to see you with us as the next decade rolls out!
Current Development Update

Much like last month, December has been spent on further updates to Havoc Fox’s graphics. This time around, focus has been put into the boss fight intro scenes and transition cards.

As shown in the above images, the fight with C.Y.G.N.A.Y (the robot swan boss) has a new transition card to reflect the updated graphical scheme from last month’s changes. Furthermore, more cinematic shots of this fight have been added and updated, offering a greater sense of depth and scale to the coming battle.

Outside of gameplay and story scenes, the main menu has a couple updates as well. On the character selection screen, the graphics for Grey and Venice’s separate adventures have been overhauled to fit with the other design changes.

These graphical updates have been implemented and will be present in future test builds. As always, your feedback matters! We invite you to check out the public demo and submit your criticisms to our official Discord server. Help us make 2020 another great year for Havoc Fox!
Community Spotlight: Snowy
In each edition of the Havoc Studios monthly newsletter, we will highlight the works and/or relations of a member from the community or studio. We are grateful for everyone within the community and would like to recognize those of you who help bring life to the community. Our December community spotlight features Snowy, the newest member of Havoc Studios!
Snowy has been a member of the Havoc Studios community since its inception and has consistently graced us with his humor, kindness, and unique wheezing laughter. He joined the development team after developing one of the game’s characters (that started as a joke, eventually turning into a reality). Snowy has only had minor experience with game development in the past and considers himself to be more of a tester and entertainer than a game designer.
Outside of development, Snowy has been a prominent member of the Havoc Studios Discord server, which he sought after to stay connected with old friends. He has helped bring the community together for fun and fellowship with his occasional Jackbox party nights (which has been dubbed “Havoc Box”) and his plethora of memes to spread across the community. Spend enough time with him and you’re bound to hear the phrase “all must serve the cycle.” Snowy also does woodburn art and has made works with Venice and Foss!

Snowy can be found on Twitter @Snowpix_FTW, but you’re more likely to speak with him if you join the official Havoc Studios Discord server. Stop by, hang out, and interact with our amazing community!
That's all for now!
We're hard at work, we promise!

This decade has come to a close. 2019 has been an incredible year full of excitement, challenges, and progress for our little team. We are so glad to have your support and will continue to work hard as the new year rolls in! If you haven't already, be sure to follow us on Twitter @havocfoxgame. Join the conversation and wreak havoc in the official Discord server: http://discord.gg/havoc-studios
Thank you for reading the December edition of the Havoc Fox Newsletter. Have a wonderful holiday season and a Havoc New Year!